Saturday, 14 February 2009

Testamonial from America

Testimonial for Alix Harrow

To Whom It May Concern: I would be really grateful if you could complete this testimonial form for me as I am going to build a website and would like to be able to put some testimonials on. You do not need to put your name if you don’t think that this is appropriate. Thanks for your time.

How you found me when we first met and any thoughts

I first came into contact with Alix when we began corresponding about drama therapy and psychiatric forensics. Through our e-mails and phone calls over the years, I found Alix to be very insightful about drama therapy, drama therapy with the mentally ill population and with the forensic population. I was most impressed with her creativity and with how in depth her work and programs were written out as well as articulated.

On many occasions, I consulted with Alix on difficult and challenging cases and found her feedback useful and her suggestions very practical.

Over the years I have formed a collegial relationship and solid friendship with Alix and have come to respect her professional skills, her continued thirst for knowledge, her dedication to the field of dramatherapy, and her innovative and creative approaches to dramatherapy that are solidly grounded in theory and evidenced based practice.

How you found me during our work together and how this might have influenced you.

In 2005, Alix came to Ohio for 3 weeks and did some volunteer work including drama therapy work with a patient of mine in a community based mental health setting. She did a series of masks with this gentleman which helped him to unlock some parts of his past that he had not been able to articulate verbally. As Alix and I processed the work each day, I was impressed with her clinical insight and her professionalism. I also came to appreciate her great sense of humor during this time together and found her a breath of fresh air to be around. Alix was also notably skilled in assessing systems issues and made some very practical suggestions to our agency which were useful in improving some communications difficulties.

Any thoughts that you had after our work finished.

I find Alix to be a brilliant combination of intuitive and theoretically based clinician, who is able to work in the moment and yet has a strong awareness of the larger picture. She is articulate, well written, and her work is well thought out.

I look forward to continued collaborations with Alix on challenging cases and look forward to her next visit to the USA and an opportunity to work side by side with her in drama therapy work.

If you want a solid program, or a strong and sound drama therapist, Alix Harrow, is the person you want to use.

Lori L. Yates, LICSW, RDT

Thanks once again for your time.

Alix Harrow

State Registered Dramatherapist ASO6575

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